We aim at strengthening research in the scheme for collaboration with foreign partners. Our partners support us scientifically and/or financially.
Collaboration link
Financial support and research collaboration: morphological approach to the fish studies.
Prof. Dr. Jos Snoeks
Head of Vertebrates/ Ichthyologist
E-mail :
Dr. Emmanuel Vreven
E-mail : emmanuel.vreven@africamuseum.be
Ichthyologist, Curator of Fishes
Biology Department, Royal Museum for Central Africa
Collaboration link
Research collaboration in molecular studies
Dr. Ulrich Schliewen
Section Ichthyology
Email: schliewen@snsb.de
Collaboration link
Research collaboration in molecular studies
Dr. Maarten Van Steenberg
Faculty of Sciences
Collaboration link
Collaboration in the training of postgraduate candidates and research exchanges
Prof. Dr. Gaspard Banyankimbona
E-mail : gaspard.banyakimbona@un.edu.bi
Faculty of Agronomic Sciences
Collaboration link
Collaboration in the training of post graduate candidates
Prof. Dr Ir. Philippe Laleye
E-mail: laleyephilippe@gmail.com
The School of Materials, Energy, Water and Environmental Sciences (MEWES)
Department of Water Environmental Sciences and Engineering
Sciences and Engineering
Contact :
Dr. Grite Nelson Mwaijengo